Dear Friends,

I want to wish you the very best for the New Year. Unfortunately a New Year doesn’t provide us with a new slate. All of the problems that we faced in 2009 are still with us as we start 2010. This year must be one of more intense struggle if we are to overcome the public lethargy and the setbacks that we have faced.

As a media worker my area of particular concern has to do with telling the stories of poor, oppressed and marginalized peoples who are routinely ignored by mainstream media and increasingly neglected by listener-sponsored, non-commercial media. My efforts and energies will be devoted to addressing these inequities and exposing the government/corporate efforts to reduce our rights, squander our resources and make war against people around the world. I hope that you will join me in fighting these powerful entities.

However, intense struggle doesn’t mean that we can’t take time out to have some fun. Toward that end I am asking you to attend the People’s Solidarity Concert. The concert was conceptualized by the “Take Back WBAI Coalition" and endorsed by dozens of supporters.



Friday, January 8, 2010 – 7 pm till Midnight

at Local 32-BJ

101 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave.)

between Watts and Grand St, in lower Manhattan

Sick and tired of government transferring wealth from the workers to the bankers - well, you wouldn't know it from the mass and liberal media who ignore or distort our voices. So no matter what your issue is, the question is how do we get our stories heard and who tells them in 2010? Begin the new year with a solidarity concert and eat, drink, and meet those who'll work to get the voices of the people heard.


Sonia Sanchez, nationally recognized poet

Heritage OP, percussion sensations

Fred Ho, jazz baritone saxophonist

Kinshasa and Friends, jazz & vocalist

Louis Reyes Rivera, poet, WBAI radio host “Perspective”

The Doo Wop Classics

Sponsored by the People's Organization for Progress and The Alliance for Progressive Media

Donation $15 (no one turned away)

Travel: #1, A, C, E trains to Canal Street, Manhattan


Current List of Endorsers:

Pam Africa

Stanley Aronowitz

Father Luis Barrios

City Councilmember Charles Barron

Esperanza Martell

Our Common Ground with Janice Graham

Ralph Poynter

Operation P.O.W.E.R. (People Organizing
Working for Empowerment & Respect)

Lynne Stewart Support Committee

Valerie Van Isler

Tim Wise

ACT UP/NY (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power/New York)
Afrikan Poetry Theatre

Alberto Lovero Bolivarian Circle of NY

Anti-Racist Alliance

Asia Pacific Action
CEMOTAP (Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People)

December 12th Movement

DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving)

Family & Friends of Dr. Mutulu Shakur

FIST - Fight Imperialism Stand Together

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition

Iglesia San Romero de las Americas

International Action Center

International Support Haiti Network

Marvelous Light Crusade World Outreach Ministries

Masjid Al-Taqwah

Million Worker March Movement

National Association of Kawaida Organizations (NAKO)

New York Coalition for Neighborhood School Control

New York Solidarity with Katrina & Rita Survivors

Northeast Region Survivors Assembly

Pakistan USA Freedom Forum

Peace Health Center

People's Institute for Survival and Beyond

People's Organization for Progress (NJ)

ProLibertad (Freedom Campaign for Puerto Rican Political Prisoners)

Puerto Rican Alliance of Los Angeles

Queers for Peace and Justice

Resistance in Brooklyn

Rockland County Immigration Coalition

Roots Revisited

S.E.E.D.S., Inc.

Sisa Pakari Labor Center - Queens

Working People's Voice Publication